Cobo in SM Mall of Asia

Specialty Product(s)

Milk Tea


Main Mall - Level 1

Cobo in SM Mall of Asia Location Pin Cobo in SM Mall of Asia Location Map


Disclaimer: Product information and pricing are subject to change without notice, are collected approximately every six months, and may not reflect current availability or in-restaurant pricing.


Brownsugar Cafe Php 85.00
Espresso Mt Php 85.00
Grahams Cafe Php 85.00
Iced Americano Php 85.00
Iced Cappuccino Php 85.00
Iced Caramel Php 85.00
Iced Hazelnut Php 85.00
Iced Latte Php 85.00
Iced Mocha Php 85.00
Oreo Cafe Php 85.00
Vietnam Iced Php 85.00
Fruit Tea
Calamansi Php 90.00
Lemon Php 90.00
Lemon Strawberry Php 90.00
Lychee Php 90.00
Mango Peach Php 90.00
Passion Fruit Php 90.00
Passion Mango Php 90.00
Raspberry Php 90.00
Milk Tea
Choco - Hazelnut Php 90.00
Chocolate Php 90.00
Chocolate Php 120.00
Chocolate Php 120.00
Cobo Php 85.00
Coffee Jelly Php 85.00
Double Oreo Php 120.00
Grahams Php 120.00
Grahams Php 120.00
Hokkaido Php 90.00
Matcha Php 120.00
Matcha Php 120.00
Matcha Green Tea Php 90.00
Milk Tea Php 120.00
Milk Tea Php 120.00
Okinawa Php 90.00
Oreo Php 120.00
Taro Php 90.00
Taro Php 120.00
Taro Php 120.00
Tri-toppings Php 90.00
Wintermelon Php 90.00
Wintermelon Php 120.00
Wintermelon Php 120.00
Berry Kiwi Php 135.00
Creamy Kiwi Php 135.00
Creamy Strawberry Php 135.00
Kiwi Php 135.00
Kiwi - Strawberry Php 135.00
Passion - Mango Php 135.00
Strawberry Php 135.00

For a complete list of SM Mall of Asia restaurants, check the directory link below.

SM Mall of Asia Restaurant Directory